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As the name suggests Lifestyle diseases are the diseases linked with the lifestyle i.e. the way people live their life. These are non-communicable diseases. Lifestyle Diseases commonly includes heart disease, stroke, obesity, and type II diabetes, Alzheimer, arthritis, atherosclerosis, asthma, cancer, chronic liver disease or cirrhosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, chronic kidney failure, osteoporosis, PCOD, depression, premature mortality & vascular dementia.

The main factors contributing to lifestyle diseases include bad food habits, less & unhealthy water intake, physical inactivity, wrong body posture, and disturbed biological clock.

How to Prevent Lifestyle Diseases?

To live a healthy lifestyle, you need to hydrate your body, make a healthy drink and food choices, exercise regularly, get quality sleep, manage stress, think happy thoughts, laugh, quit smoking, and stop boozing.  Tips to help you move toward a healthier life include:  drink plenty of water, not sugary drinks, eat more vegetables, meditate to reduce stress and make exercise, and detox your body.

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Your body needs water to complete seemingly simple tasks like maintain a normal temperature, keep your joints lubricated, remove waste, and maintain proper digestion. When you are not properly hydrated, then, it can be a serious problem for your body as a whole. You may have experienced dehydration before - dizziness or lightheadedness, nausea, headache, confusion, sleepiness or overwhelming fatigue, and dry mouth. More extreme symptoms include no tears when crying, fainting, extreme thirst, little or no urine, or extremely dark urine. You should never wait to see these symptoms. The longer you go without proper hydration, the more danger your body is in. 

When dehydrated, your body is more at risk for the following complications: 


Most people spend a lot to take care of their homes and cars, including servicing but no one takes care of his or her own health. It’s time to look deep within and heal oneself. What kind of care you are taking to your body the way you do vehicle servicing? The body also needs a servicing (detoxification) to get rid of various diseases as a result of accumulated toxins in the body. Water helps us in detoxification. Detoxification is the body’s natural way of removing or neutralizing toxins. However, without sufficient energy, nutritional resources, and adequate water, toxins end up being tucked away where they are least likely to affect critical bodily functions.  Nothing supports the body’s cleansing and elimination like good water. Water hydrates the blood and the lymph so that toxins can move rapidly through the detoxification pathways. Water is also a major factor in the enzymatic processes that break down toxic compounds. And water is obviously important during the final stage of elimination, lubricating the intestines and providing the basis of urine. When you improve the quality and the efficiency of the water you drink, detoxification pathways function more effectively and toxins can be eliminated on a timely basis. Good water is very much important in maintaining health and avoiding lifestyle diseases.

Importance of Electrolyzed Reduced Water in preventing Lifestyle Disease:

It's no secret that water is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. You certainly already know that we all need water to live. All living beings including humans, plants, animals, and insects need water to stay healthy. Water is important not just because we need it to live, but also because it has a serious hand in preventing chronic disease and other issues. If you're not fully aware of all that water does for us, you aren't alone. In fact, most people don't know how important water is in our life. People even do not know when, how, and how much water should they drink. People even don’t know what kind of water they should drink. Not all water is created equal and therefore all water is not drinkable. Electrolyzed Reduced Water has special properties like Negative ORP (Antioxidant), Alkalization, and Micro-cluster due to which it is the best water to drink. Through Electrolyzed Reduced Water you can get voltage and detoxify your body. Electrolyzed Reduced Water can flush toxins and poisons out of your body better with respect to any other detox program. Electrolyzed Reduced Water has millions of hydroxyl ions per glass. No other water has this incredible benefit. One glass of Electrolyzed Reduced Water can hydrate your body better than gallons of any other water. You will be surprised that the hydrating capacity of Tap water or groundwater is only 30% while the hydrating capacity of the RO/distilled water is even less. Therefore, these waters may not have enough capacity to hydrate the body and to remove toxins out of the body despite drinking enough water.  Electrolyzed Reduced water has the highest capacity to hydrate your body due to its specific properties. The hydrating Capacity of Electrolyzed Reduced Water is around 90%. Electrolyzed Reduced water also has the power to remove toxins out of your body due to its hexagonal structure.

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​Complications Due to Dehydration:

  • Heat Injury: If your body is in a state of dehydration, you are at high risk for heat injury. This can manifest in many ways, all of which are unpleasant and can cause long-term damage. Side effects include mild heat cramps, nausea or vomiting, heat exhaustion, or even heatstroke, which can be life-threatening.

  • Kidney and Urinary Issues: dehydration could eventually lead to kidney issues, such as kidney stones or kidney failure, or urinary tract infections. Each of these issues is serious in its own right, but if you allow the issue to reach kidney failure, you could do yourself some long-term damage that could be life-threatening.

  • Seizures: seizure is another life-threatening side-effect of dehydration. A seizure is a sudden uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain. This can happen when your electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, are out of balance. Electrolytes help carry electrical signals from cell to cell to help them work properly. If electrolytes fall out of balance, some messages can get mixed up, leading to issues like involuntary muscle contractions and spasms or total loss of consciousness. If you are out when this happens, falling unconscious paired with the muscle contractions could lead to serious head or other injuries.

  • Low Blood Volume Shock (or Hypovolemic Shock): One of the most dangerous side-effects of dehydration is low blood volume shock, also known as hypovolemic shock. it can also be life-threatening. Hypovolemic shock occurs as a result of either blood loss or extracellular fluid loss or when low blood volume leads to a drop in the amount of oxygen in your body.

There is no doubt these complications can be alarming, which is why it is so important to act preventatively when it comes to dehydration. Be knowledgeable about the importance of water in life. Never wait to see if you feel dehydrated. Drink water moderately throughout the day, every day to feel your best. 


Your knowledge about dehydration certainly elevates the importance of water. But what about the prevention of Lifestyle/ chronic disease? Check out the following as reported in the article, The Importance of Good Hydration for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases by MDs Friedrich Manz and Andreas Wentz: 

  • Urolithiasis: This condition is characterized by the buildup of stones in the kidney, bladder, and/or the urethra, also referred to as the urinary tract. These stones are caused by increased excretion of certain components in the urine such as calcium, oxalate, urate, xanthine, phosphate, and cystine. Without water, the likelihood of these components appearing in urine is increased, which can lead to other complications. When you've been drinking enough water, however, many of these harmful components are regularly and smoothly flushed out, keeping your urine clear and healthy.

  • Bladder/Colon Cancer: Drinking water regularly can help prevent and lower the risk of colon and bladder cancer because frequent urination and defecation are viewed as protective factors against these issues. When your system is cleaned out consistently, it helps protect your body from harmful toxins that can lead to serious diseases.

  • Constipation: Constipation is pretty commonly affected by a lack of water in the system. Though water does not always stop constipation (as this condition is affected by several other factors), it does help keep you regular. If you're already drinking water regularly, chances are that your risk for constipation will be lowered.

  • Hypertension: In different animals, mild to moderate dehydration was shown to affect renal sodium excretion. In diabetic humans, lower urine and sodium excretion rates are often associated with higher blood pressure during the day and a sudden fall in blood pressure at night. Water helps your system flush out harmful components, which can lower the risk of and prevent hypertension in some people.

  • Obesity: Drinking water regularly can help increase the number of calories burned, which is a major proponent of weight loss. Besides, when you drink water, you are likely to feel less hungry (because you will feel full), which can lead to eating less. Also, drinking enough water can lead to more energy and alertness, which gives you the energy you need to exercise more often. Finally, certain healthy foods like melons, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, carrots, and more are a great source of water and nutrients, giving you hydration and health in one!

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